Who We Are
COPAA is an independent consortium of university departments and programs, practitioners and organizations that provide education and training in applied and practicing anthropology.
Our mission is to advance the education and training of students, faculty, and practitioners in applied anthropology.
What We Do
We are a consortium of academic departments and professional anthropologists interested in applied anthropology and practice. We collaborate with each other on research, implementation and evaluation projects, conference sessions, panels and other activities.
Where We Are - Map of COPAA Member Programs
COPAA Contact Information
Cassandra Workman, Lead Co-Chair
Cynthia Grace-McCaskey, Co-Chair
Emily Brunson, Co-Chair
(open role)
Jason Miller, Treasurer
Alexandra Stevenson, Student Technical Representative
Leadership Group
Lead Co-Chair: Cassandra Workman (University of North Carolina, Greensboro) (2021-2024)
Co-Chair: Cynthia Grace-McCaskey (East Carolina University) (2023-2025)
Co-Chair: Emily Brunson (Brigham Young University) (2024-2026)
Secretary: open role
Treasurer: Jason Miller (Washburn University) (2023-2026)
Webmaster: open role
Emeritus Advisor: Charles Klein (Portland State University), Micah Marie Trapp (University of Memphis) Linda Bennett (University of Memphis), Lisa Henry (University of North Texas), Toni Copeland (University of Alabama), Elizabeth Briody (Cultural Keys), Eric Haanstad (University of Notre Dame)
Student Technical Representative: Alexandra Stevenson (East Carolina University)