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Primary Contact
Michael Duke
Project Role
Contact Information
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, UC Berkeley
Project Title & Description
Knowledge Exchange
The Center for the Study of Child Care Employment at University of California, Berkeley is seeking speakers to participate in a brown bag lecture series focused on the labor conditions and career preparation of early childhood educators (e.g., day care workers, nannies). Possible topics may include: ethnographic or population-based research on the workplace, health, or labor conditions of these educators; facilitators and barriers to workforce training, and policy issues and labor activism regarding child care employment. We also welcome presentations on methodological issues particular to other workers who are hard to reach and/or are difficult to enumerate.
labor, child care, methods
Primary Contact
Elizabeth K. Briody
Project Role
Contact Information
Cultural Keys LLC
Project Title & Description
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology
Invitation to write an applied anthropology articlefor the new, online Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology!
Pick an applied topic that you know something about.
Send in a brief outline to get the “go-ahead” to start writing.
Write a short, peer-reviewed article (6,000-8,000 words) that includes a review of the key literature that appeals to non-specialists and incorporates detail on anthropological careers related to your topic.
Submit article approximately six months after signing a contract with Oxford.
Examples of articles in process include: global human rights, business anthropology, gerontology, evaluation, development, global teams, anthropology between practice and academia, education, consumer research, and design.
Check out this YouTube link. For more information, contact Elizabeth K. Briody (Sr. Applied Editor) at elizabeth.briody@gmail.com.
Applied reference articles
Primary Contact
Charles Klein
Project Role
Contact Information
Portland State University
Project Title & Description
Transgender Communities Course
In Fall 2019, I will be teaching an upper division anthropology course focused on transgender communities in historical and cross-cultural perspective. I am hoping to arrange a diverse group of speakers with experience in diverse US and non-US contexts who would share their experiences/work.engagement as relates to the course theme.
Speakers would have 30-60 minutes and would participate via Skype or Google Handouts. The format and content would be up to you and could include videos, panels, activities or anything you think would resonate with students at Portland State University.
If you are interested in participating in the course, please send me an email at chklein@pdx.edu. Feel free to share this invitation to others in your networks who you think might be interested in this opportunity.
Guest speakers, transgender, class, community, activism
Primary Contact
Toni Copeland
Project Role
Contact Information
University of Alabama
Project Title & Description
Job Stress among Anthropologists
Comparing work strategies between academic and non-academic anthropologists.
strategy, comparative
Primary Contact
Adam Gamwell
Project Role
Interview host and producer
Contact Information
Missing Link Studios
Project Title & Description
Podcasting Applied Anthropology: An Interview Series
Seeking potential interview guests for popular applied anthropology podcast series. Please contact me at hello@missinglink.studio if interested
Podcasting, Media, Audio
Knowledge Exchange
The Center for the Study of Child Care Employment at University of California, Berkeley is seeking speakers to participate in a brown bag lecture series focused on the labor conditions and career preparation of early childhood educators (e.g., day care workers, nannies). Possible topics may include: ethnographic or population-based research on the workplace, health, or labor conditions of these educators; facilitators and barriers to workforce training, and policy issues and labor activism regarding child care employment. We also welcome presentations on methodological issues particular to other workers who are hard to reach and/or are difficult to enumerate.
labor, child care, methods
Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, UC Berkeley
Michael Duke
Project Contact
Project Role
Contact & Affiliation
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology
Invitation to write an applied anthropology articlefor the new, online Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology!
Pick an applied topic that you know something about.
Send in a brief outline to get the “go-ahead” to start writing.
Write a short, peer-reviewed article (6,000-8,000 words) that includes a review of the key literature that appeals to non-specialists and incorporates detail on anthropological careers related to your topic.
Submit article approximately six months after signing a contract with Oxford.
Examples of articles in process include: global human rights, business anthropology, gerontology, evaluation, development, global teams, anthropology between practice and academia, education, consumer research, and design.
Check out this YouTube link. For more information, contact Elizabeth K. Briody (Sr. Applied Editor) at elizabeth.briody@gmail.com.
Applied reference articles
Cultural Keys LLC
Elizabeth K. Briody
Project Contact
Project Role
Contact & Affiliation
Transgender Communities Course
In Fall 2019, I will be teaching an upper division anthropology course focused on transgender communities in historical and cross-cultural perspective. I am hoping to arrange a diverse group of speakers with experience in diverse US and non-US contexts who would share their experiences/work.engagement as relates to the course theme.
Speakers would have 30-60 minutes and would participate via Skype or Google Handouts. The format and content would be up to you and could include videos, panels, activities or anything you think would resonate with students at Portland State University.
If you are interested in participating in the course, please send me an email at chklein@pdx.edu. Feel free to share this invitation to others in your networks who you think might be interested in this opportunity.
Guest speakers, transgender, class, community, activism
Portland State University
Charles Klein
Project Contact
Project Role
Contact & Affiliation
Job Stress among Anthropologists
Comparing work strategies between academic and non-academic anthropologists.
strategy, comparative
University of Alabama
Toni Copeland
Project Contact
Project Role
Contact & Affiliation
Podcasting Applied Anthropology: An Interview Series
Seeking potential interview guests for popular applied anthropology podcast series. Please contact me at hello@missinglink.studio if interested
Podcasting, Media, Audio
Missing Link Studios
Adam Gamwell
Project Contact
Project Role
Contact & Affiliation
Interview host and producer